Elaine Benes once said, "It'll be years before they find another place to hide cheese on pizza." Well, it did take years, but the Japanese finally figured it out: under the bacon, which is under the sausage, which is in the crust.
Behold the latest creation of Pizza Hut Japan.
Here, sausage encircles a Shrimp and Egg Land pizza. As if the combination of shrimp, egg, sausage, bacon and cheese isn't enticing enough, the pie is slathered in mayonnaise.
I attended an in-bookstore appearance by Anthony Bourdain, chef, food writer and host of No Reservations, arguably the best non-fiction program on television.
I'm always amazed at the inanity public Q&As attract. I could never be as tolerant as the interviewees I've seen live.
One man asked Bourdain, "Rabbits: pets or meat?"
You have the attention of someone you admire and that's what you ask?
Another man told Bourdain that he home-brews sausage and that the prevalence of processed sausage dismays him.
"How can we re-educate people about sausage?"
"Abe Froman? Is that you?" I wanted to ask.