After spending Easter in Arizona, the Adam Riff Media Empire struck back Memorial Day weekend. It was a lot of fun. You should try it sometime. I've seen WankerCounty Jord and his friends more than I've seen my parents this year. The job of priests…
Posts tagged WankerCounty
tony fader is my hero 3
"black people are cooler than white people" as seen on Yahoo! This post is brought to you by warplayer and Ultimate Fights on DVD. For the first time, the most intense movie fights ever to appear on film have been brought together in one total…
the persistence of lot 190
"film at 11" I couldn't resist. Orange County Wanker County named after a rich white bankrupt wasteland in southern california named after peg bundy's (married with children) hometown, a poor white trash wasteland from the team behind tv's freaks and geeks did you see the…
Cannibal Holocaust
Okay, whoever keeps sending me these beautiful Photoshop pieces involving Telcobox Mike, I appreciate your input, but if you wanna bash Mike, be civil about it and do it on a WankerCounty comments board. What the hell happened to WankerCounty? It used to be so…