ABC greenlighted a comedy pilot inspired by the series of Geico ads featuring cavemen characters. The half-hour will focus on three proto-homosapiens who battle prejudice in contemporary Atlanta.
Burger King says it has lined up a studio and distributor for a feature film aimed at creating a back story for its creepy, mute "king" mascot.
What's next? A buddy comedy starring Mac and PC? A horror flick from Verizon?
[phone rings]
"Can you hear me now?"
[Verizon technician appears behind young blonde and slashes her throat]
Are Geico's cavemen ready for prime time? [MSN Money]
Note to Pac-10 management:
When the lower level of the Staples Center is visibly half-empty, no one should be sitting in the 200- and 300-level seats! You gotta concentrate the half-full part of the arena!
Star Wars toys superimposed onto shots of urban Paris [enter > Series]