Forward Progress

Nip/Tuck episode 503 re-cap:

— actress diarrheates in hot tub, fellates lover for understanding

— nymphet in private school uniform requests hymenoplasty, seduces surgeon with offers of fellatio and anal sex

— lesbian fellates ex-wife of man who fantasizes about fucking her teenage daughter doggy-style

— lonely man fucks lesbian mother of his son, fails to convert her sexuality, turns to male prostitution

— former Scientologists smoke crack and then suck and fuck on kitchen floor, all in sight of their baby

Friday Night Lights may move to ESPN.

Seems like an odd fit, but earlier this week, I caught a subtitled Korean boxer biopic on ESPN Classic.

As long as ESPN doesn't cut the show's budget too much, I like the deal. An anemic rating on network television is lofty on cable.

Profile of the New American Skinheads
I'm a sucker for documentaries on skinheads, Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan. White power fascinates me.

Marcus Nispel will direct the revamp of Friday the 13th
I, for one, loved his Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Ghost Whisperer – an entire TV show created around JLH's rack