SXSW edition!
Shoot the Freak
World Premiere
Narrative Short Competition
Shoot the Freak chronicles the final days of the infamous, titular Coney Island attraction via an anonymous nihilistic teen.
North American Premiere
Special Event
Renga is a 90-minute co-operative game played on a cinema screen by 100 people with laser pointers. It purportedly combines strategic conquest with arcade action.
J@cuzzi B0ys, "Gl@zin"
World Premiere
Midnight Short Competition
"Gl@zin" is an unauthorized music video in which costumed vaginas lip-sync.
For legal reasons, the official website had to be hosted on the same Swedish server that is home to NAMBLA, Wikileaks, et al.
Mayer\Leyva, the auteur duo behind "Gl@zin," also made I Am Your Grandma and the previously featured Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke.