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17. Acting! (The First Lady, S01E01)
Honourable Mention
- Re-invest in your hood (Atlanta, S03E06)
Stray Observations
(Winning Time, S01E07)
- "You could've wore a disco ball, bitch." (Winning Time, S01E07)
"Lay off the fuckin' french fries."
"I like french fries." (Winning Time, S01E07) - "Who watches basketball on Christmas?" (Winning Time, S01E07)
- "It's the dramatist in me." (Winning Time, S01E07)
"I heard you. Yeah. Work the tip."
"Work the refs! Work the refs! I didn't say blow 'em!" (Winning Time, S01E07) -
"Dude don't say two words. Don't smile. Don't even try. And they love him anyway. Like I ain't even there."
"The invisible man."
"Just like the movie.
"There's a book, too. Point remains." (Winning Time, S01E07) - "It's a vegetable. Like your coach." (Winning Time, S01E07)
- "Repeat after me. Fuck Boston." (Winning Time, S01E07)
- "It's a music box. It's quite Jewish." (Better Things, S05E09)
"Flat or sparkling?"
"We like the free kind, the tap." (Better Things, S05E09) - "Congratulations for liftoff of your throne. I got you psyllium husk for binding." (Better Things, S05E09)
- "I'm saving a little bit of her for myself." [to pee on in a portaloo] (Better Things, S05E09)
- "I would like to introduce the 2022 Mayor's Youth Leadership Program participants. And in the interest of inclusion, partici-skirts." (Mr. Mayor, S02E06)
- "Dead wives. Can't live with them. Obviously." (Mr. Mayor, S02E06)
- "Bad guys are cooler, right? Look at Gru." (Mr. Mayor, S02E06)
"I appreciate your concern, mate. I really do. But we've got it from here."
"I swear to you, Steven. I swear…"
"If I need a recipe for a protein shake or something, I'll call you." (Moon Knight, S01E04) - "Sorry, Mr. Great." (Moon Knight, S01E04)
- "I am keenly aware that my lungs are essentially two shriveled up Nick Caves." (Russian Doll, S02E01)
"Okay, got 'em."
"Okay. If by 'them' you mean my pussy lips in a twist, uh, mission accomplished." (Russian Doll, S02E01) - "I gotta take a leak. My bladder's really fucking my dick tonight." (Russian Doll, S02E01)
- "I wish I knew what to say, but I'm just not taking the 6 train into my mom." (Russian Doll, S02E01)
"You're not a creationist, are you?"
"Ah, wouldn't it be nice to have someone to blame?" (Russian Doll, S02E03) - "It's coexistence and lack of existence at once." (Russian Doll, S02E04)
- "Happy to remain a missed connection, okay?" (Russian Doll, S02E06)
- PrEP pamphlet (Russian Doll, S02E06)
- "Babies are true materialists." (Russian Doll, S02E07)
- </Russian Doll, S02>
- "Listen to me, you cracker motherfucker." (Snowfall, S05E10)
- </Snowfall, S05>
"Jollof? I haven't heard of it."
"It's as if your taste buds are being scammed by a Nigerian prince at a Burna concert." (Atlanta, S03E06) -
"You're not worried about, you know, what the streets think?"
"The streets? Man, fuck the streets. Man, I've shot niggas." (Atlanta, S03E06) -
"So, is this your first time apologizing for white people?"
"Yeah. It's the best. The dinners are amazing. I haven't paid for a meal in 73 police shootings." (Atlanta, S03E06) -
"This movie is so crazy."
"Is it Hamlet?"
"Not quite. It's called Sharon Stone. It has a sequel." (Atlanta, S03E06) - "My nigga… Are you black?" (Atlanta, S03E06)
"Khalil, man, I don't even know what your charity does, man."
"It's like Blue Man Group, but activism." (Atlanta, S03E06) - "Like, we sitting here, a bunch of black people…black-adjacent influencers…" (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "That don't sound right when you say it. Does he say 'nigga' a lot?" (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "Naija Bowl: The Taste of Nigeria" (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "Yeah, brown jollof, shredded carrots, golden raisins, and kids jollof." (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "Oh, one Malibu and one cheesy jollof." (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "It's a peach barbecue reduction and chunks." (Atlanta, S03E06)
"Don't I gotta pay for this?"
"No. It's on me. And your money is literally no good here. Card only." (Atlanta, S03E06) - "Nigga, I know what the fuck the red cross is! It's the worst one!" (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "Do you remember on Nickelodeon around Halloween they'd have Nick or Treat?" (Atlanta, S03E06)
- ♫: BADBADNOTGOOD – "In Your Eyes [feat. Charlotte Day Wilson]" (Atlanta, S03E06)
- "There are no Fritos in that hole, Karl." (Outer Range, S01E04)
"Is this a joke?"
"No, it's the Proclaimers." (Slow Horses, S01E05) - "From now on…you must kill me in your heart. You'll be better for it." (Pachinko, S01E07)
- ♫: Peace – "Lovesick" (Heartstopper, S01E01)
- Pirates of the Caribbean bi-sexua-lust (Heartstopper, S01E06)
- "Lesbians are so disgusting." (Heartstopper, S01E06)
- ♫: Lincoln – "Smokey Eyes" (Heartstopper, S01E07)
- "Oh, my god, I like you so much. And I love liking you." (Heartstopper, S01E08)
- </Heartstopper, S01>
"Yeah, well, at least I didn't get a D in math, Corby."
"Yeah, that's because I can never do my homework because I'm always editing your stupid videos."
"I'm trying to set you up for life. Would you rather know geometry or be proficient in Adobe Premiere?"
"No one gives a shit about triangles anymore, Corby." (Killing It, S01E04) -
"It looks like you've peed yourself."
"That's just snake pee. The snake peed on top of my penis when he got scared. Right on top." (Killing It, S01E04) - "You ever WOWO, work out with oxygen?" (Killing It, S01E04)
- "I'm 42, but I look 31, and fuck, I feel 14. I had a wet dream last night, motherfucker." (Killing It, S01E04)
- "You think you get a fucking say in this, Jarren? Do the fuck¡ng elves get to tell Santa which kids were naughty? No. What do the elves do? Nothing. They're just short losers." (Killing It, S01E04)
- "I can't put pressure on my right elbow. So I can't be on top during sex, which is, like, my best position. It's my go-to. It's the one I grew up doing the most. So it's only natural Robin's gonna be with somebody else. But as soon as my elbow is fixed, well, then I'm back on top. On top of my wife, on top of my life." (Killing It, S01E04)
- ♫: Bloodhound Gang – "Fire Water Burn" (Killing It, S01E04)