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21. Zach Sashimi (Jackass 4.5)
Honourable Mention
- Ugly Sonic (Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers)
Stray Observations
"Somebody called me a 'fuck fuck'?"
"Rob Reiner, 1994, at the Ghosts of Mississippi audition." (Barry, S03E04) - Joe Mantegna's restraining order (Barry, S03E04)
- "This is worse than Tony Danza." (Barry, S03E04)
- "You do not look old enough to have an abused daughter." (Barry, S03E04)
- "Great penis." (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E04)
- "Humanity has progressed to the point where we usually wear pants when we eat fruit with other people." (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E04)
(The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E04)
"How are the shingles?"
"Do you know, I… I think I pooped when you hugged me, they hurt so bad, but…" (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E04) - "In science, everything is error until the day it isn't." (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E04)
"I think we need to go look at some women. How 'bout we hit up that Millstream?"
"That farm-to-table strip joint?" (We Own This City, S01E04) - "You smell good for a white girl." (We Own This City, S01E04)
- "75 percent of that body weight is ass." (We Own This City, S01E04)
- "You robbed the midget stripper?" (We Own This City, S01E04)
"I didn't know you had it in you, Kwapis. The dirty tricks."
"I don't like it, but I am a student of Nixon. Cynthia Nixon. You remember when she ran for governor of New York?" (Mr. Mayor, S02E10) - "You son of a bitch! Diarrhea's mine, Bremer." (Mr. Mayor, S02E10)
- </Mr. Mayor, S02>
- ♫: Dashboard Confessional – "Vindicated" (The Staircase, S01E05)
- ♫: Juvenile – "Slow Motion" (The Staircase, S01E05)
"You're not a Nazi, huh, Staircase?"
"No, of course not. I voted for Gore." (The Staircase, S01E05) - "If Roman Reigns gets to AEW, you can DM my ex-boyfriend." (Hacks, S02E03)
- "Hello, Deborah. We miss you. And we wanted to tell you someone was a very brave boy about getting his anal glands expressed today." (Hacks, S02E03)
- "Oh, look at his little doggy dick." (Hacks, S02E03)
- "Everybody read Little Women in school, baby. I went to school with white folk." (Hacks, S02E03)
- "Oh, no. She's doing Ellen." (Hacks, S02E04)
- "No, Summer, don't be one of those women. You don't wanna look like Susan from Guess Who." (Girls5eva, S02E05)
- "If you were a poker hand, you'd be four jokers and a piece of shit." (Girls5eva, S02E05)
"I'm worse than Robin Thicke."
"No one is worse than Robin Thicke." (Girls5eva, S02E05) -
"You want a lawsuit?"
"No, courtroom lighting is really bad." (Girls5eva, S02E05) -
"Don't you have people that work for you who can deal with this?"
"Honey! I'm the head of the goddamn studio. I am the fucking people that deal with this." (The Offer, S01E06) - "Barry, if you don't order steak, I'll stick you with a fork. Oil people, they don't trust fish." (The Offer, S01E06)
- Alexander Skarsgård dancing to Ashanti (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "The bread was worth the wait." (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "She has blood on a baguette that she's carrying around." (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "I might lose the Baby Shark movie now." (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "We both met while we were stripping on that river cruise." (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "We've been chasing hands all day?" (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "Bitch, this is a whole hand." (Atlanta, S03E10)
- "Don't you have to pee on someone?" (Atlanta, S03E10)
"May I offer you some champagne? Cheese or grapes?"
"No, I had, like, two bottles of Powerade for lunch." (Atlanta, S03E10) -
[urine continues]
"[gurgling] Stop."
♫: Ludacris – "Splash Waterfalls" (Atlanta, S03E10) - </Atlanta, S03>
- ♫: The Pharcyde – "Passing Me By" (Shining Girls, S01E06)
- </Shark Tank, S13>
- ♫: CMAT – "I Don't Really Care for You" (Conversations with Friends, S01E01)
- ♫: The Sei – "Let It All Go" (Conversations with Friends, S01E01)
- ♫: Alexi Murdoch – "All My Days" (Conversations with Friends, S01E02)
"You're so handsome."
"I thought you were attracted to my personality."
"Do you even have one?"
"Um… Okay, bye." (Conversations with Friends, S01E03) - ♫: Cassandra Jenkins – "Michelangelo" (Conversations with Friends, S01E03)
- ♫: The Anxiety – "Meet Me at Our Spot" (Conversations with Friends, S01E04)
- ♫: James Blake – "Atmosphere" (Conversations with Friends, S01E05)
"Who is he?"
"A med student who loved Yates."
"Is that bad?"
"I practically had to stop him from reciting The Lake Isle of Innisfree."
"Wow, I feel terrible for you having young men recite verse to you in bars."
"And the sex wasn't good."
"Well, of course, no one who likes Yates is actually capable of human intimacy." (Conversations with Friends, S01E08) - ♫: The McTague Twins – "Peach Plum Pear" (Conversations with Friends, S01E08)
- "Everyone's always going through something, aren't they? Just life, basically. Just more and more stuff to go through. Nobody's going through nothing." (Conversations with Friends, S01E10)
- "People think in couples. We have to work really hard to resist it." (Conversations with Friends, S01E12)
- "Every forehead I look at reads lines of sorrow." (Conversations with Friends, S01E12)
- ♫: Phoebe Bridgers – "Sidelines" (Conversations with Friends, S01E12)
"I have this impulse to be available to you. All the time."
"Come and get me." (Conversations with Friends, S01E12) - </Conversations with Friends, S01>
(Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers)