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25. Darth Vader vs. Reva fight (Obi-Wan Kenobi, S01E05)
Stray Observations
- Jeff Bridges vs. agent fight (The Old Man, S01E01)
Stray Observations
- Mormon family (Dark Winds, S01E02)
- ♫: DJ Chose – "THICK [P-Valley Remix feat. Kayykilo]" (P-Valley, S02E02)
(P-Valley, S02E02)
(P-Valley, S02E02)
- "But I highly doubt that these niggahs gone come out in the middle of a pandemic and vote fuh yo' cracker brother… Who the only cracker to vote fuh. Chile, they ain't even got a Club cracker on the menu. Just Ritz." (P-Valley, S02E02)
- [nails clicking] "Round of applause, bіtch." (P-Valley, S02E02)
- ♫: Patrice Woodbine – "Where the Blessings Reside" (P-Valley, S02E02)
- "Niggah, you finish cryin'?" (P-Valley, S02E02)
- "You talkin' 'bout missin' some dick. Amazon just delivered it to yo' do'." (P-Valley, S02E02)
- Gold hearse (P-Valley, S02E02)
- Megan Thee Stallion (P-Valley, S02E02)
- "We might have to go Django a bіtch." (P-Valley, S02E02)
- Uncle Clifford bust cake (P-Valley, S02E02)
- "'Life is like cocaine. It can be blowed at any minute.'" (P-Valley, S02E02)
- ♫: Shawnna – "Gettin' Some" (P-Valley, S02E02)
- ♫: Beyoncé – "7/11" (P-Valley, S02E02)
- "Chile, if Diamond can do that without touchin' you, jus' thank what that dick can do." (P-Valley, S02E02)
- ♫: Valerie June – "Stay" (P-Valley, S02E02)
"He chairs the Fossil Fuels Group which controls the CIA's purse strings. Which means Thorn is the Big Tuna. Um, Bill Parcells, who is, uh, a football coach. An American football coach."
"I know who the Big Tuna is." (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E07) -
"What did I tell you? To accomplish this mission…"
"I have to see the world through their eyes."
"And what do you see?"
"Road rage and pοrn." (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E07) -
"The whole network on Earth is a shared belief in things that aren't true. So, learn to lie. Big lies and little lies. Lies will be your best friend. And while you're there, try sulking and working a mood. Just saying."
"Which lies should I choose? They are infinite."
"No. They're astonishingly specific. The best lie is the lie they need. Reaffirm their idea of themselves. They'd rather believe the pretty thing. Be the pretty thing." (The Man Who Fell to Earth, S01E07) - </Barry, S03>
"I'll be honest. I have an…addiction issue."
"Well, happens to the best of us."
"I've been…off crack for a full 24 hours."
"Oh, great! That's the first step." (Irma Vep, S01E02) - ♫: Mase – "Feel So Good" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- Crash Bandicoot? (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "No Snapchatting in the masjid!" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "Wait, is this Swet Shop Boys?" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "I like Baazigar…" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "Is it Eid again?" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "Who taught you to drive? Bowser?" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "The Mosque Bros. never respect the halal gap." (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
"The Converts."
"Technically, the Reverts." (Ms. Marvel, S01E02) - "Illumin-Aunties" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
- "Was she Latina? I'm sorry. I'm supposed to say Latinx now, right?" (Ms. Marvel, S01E02)
"Do you have a favorite food?"
"Ice cream pizza."
"Is that two foods or one food?"
"One. I put ice cream on pizza."
"Did someone say ice cream pizza?"
"Now just think of a nice plate or bowl of ice cream pizza." (Ms. Marvel, S01E02) -
"Elizabeth Taylor."
"Oh, I love Liz. That was a fun night." (The Offer, S01E10) - </The Offer, S01>
- "How will Buffalo Wild Wings feel when they put in this hotshot player and he loses 'cause he doesn't have experience?" (Players, S01E01)
"This works exactly like any team. It's no different than pro basketball."
"Okay, but we're different than the Kings. Like, we want to win." (Players, S01E01) - "I slept on that couch for almost three years, which is disgusting to think about now, like, there was stuff on that couch that I…I probably can't even say on camera. Like, cum." (Players, S01E01)
- "Oh, the memes were endless. They-they had, they had that one where-where the guy's, like, checking out that one girl, and-and the girlfriend's like, 'What?' And-and the guy was the internet, and the girl he was looking at was Organizm, and the jealous girlfriend was Guru. And they did the meme where, like, the one guy is crossing his arms, and everyone else—all his friends are like, 'Oh!' And the guy was Organizm, and the friends doing th-th-that was the internet." (Players, S01E02)
- "I don't want the world to miss out on what you could be. 'Cause the world's already been disappointed enough with Doritos 3D." (Players, S01E03)
"Okay, here's another tweet: 'Cronklyn might suck but at least he isn't fucking annoying #Creamcheese.'"
"Bet you that dude posted that from his parents' basement."
"Seriously. Actually yeah, it says middle school on his bio, see?"
"It says middle school?"
"He probably does live with his parents." (Players, S01E03) - "It was like watching, like, a, like, a child get into the ring with, like, Floyd Mayweather. And Floyd Mayweather didn't hold back, he was just, like, beating the shit out of this kid." (Players, S01E03)
"Uh, you want something to drink?"
"Yeah, I'll just have a Car Bomb." (Players, S01E03) - "'You guys can have whatever you want.' And I was like, 'Let's test this guy.' I-I want a chalupa—I don't just want a chalupa from Taco Bell down the street. I want a chalupa from Taco Bell Cantina. And the closest one is in Las Vegas. So I'm like, 'This guy, if he really wants to show me, he's gonna have to pull out his phone, pay some Postmates guy to drive from Las Vegas.'" (Players, S01E04)
"If you've been eating Taco Bell your whole life, thinking, 'This is as good as it gets,' you've obviously never been to a Taco Bell Cantina."
"It is a non-negligible step up from regular Taco Bell." (Players, S01E04) - "Kyle and April and Guru, they weren't as impressed by the glitz and the glam. April doesn't even like Mexican food that much." (Players, S01E04)
- </Rat in the Kitchen, S01>
- "'Congrats from Lindsey Graham.' He's such a gooch-licker." (The Boys, S03E05)
- "I've already got commitments from the orangutan from Dunston Checks In and the capuchin from Outbreak." (The Boys, S03E05)