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42. Incredible (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
Honourable Mention
- Mall shoot-out (Atlanta, S04E06)
Stray Observations
- "He can keep his tongue." (House of the Dragon, S01E08)
- "It's like drinking Kathleen Turner's voice." (Let the Right One In, S01E01)
- "So you're right. You were Father of the Fucking Year. Have a nice death." (Let the Right One In, S01E01)
- "Lord, no. He's here again? Morty protocol, children. Oh, what's it now? Brain bugs? Space worms? Have I been The Faculty'd again?" (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
- ♫: "Real Dinosaur Names" (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
- "May you rest in peace, rather than the tank of an SUV." (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
- "Only people who have really fucked up in the past have to virtue signal this hard. Look at Sean Penn." (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
- ♫: "Bad Little Dino Boy" (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
- "I just saw her fucking tits. Oh my god, would you tell those motherfuckers to get their shit together? Oh my god, I'm sorry, we're in the final dress rehearsal and Margo Martindale's top just fell off." (Reboot, S01E06)
- "Oh, what, what the Ls don't like to look sexy now?" (Reboot, S01E06)
- "…and the Jew says, 'Old age.'" (The Patient, S01E08)
- Dr. Quadpaw (Andor, S01E06)
- "That guy reminds me of my dad." (Chucky, S02E02)
- "From what I understand, he's obsessed with a TV show about Australian dogs." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
- Chicken-flavoured instant ramen with pork rinds and peanut butter (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
- "I've been talking about my ex too much. Jacob tells me I sound like a lesbian. I'm working on it." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
"Talk to me, bro."
"Try again."
"Copy that. Uh, hey, Gregory. Is there anything you want to get off your chest?" (Abbott Elementary, S02E04) - "I got beef with every Charles Entertainment Cheese in the greater Philadelphia area." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
- Gregory's walk of atonement (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
- "Hang on. Wait. Let me just… Let me just say one thing to you before you go, okay? Your roots are growing in." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
- "Oh, no, sweetheart. It's all right. People go to prison every day." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
"Jennifer Walters is a woman at a new low. She has no fight left."
"No, not doing a narrator. We're not that off the rails." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09) - "You gotta blend in with these trolls. And remember to always refer to women as females." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
"Why does there even need to be a She-Hulk? It's not like there's a He-Hulk. And Lady Thor?"
"Hey, guys, she just sucks, okay?"
"And I'm not saying that because she's a female. I would have the same criticisms if she was a man."
"Yeah, too many emotions." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09) -
"This guy rules, all right? You heard it from me first. He rules and he's hot."
"I'd smash you."
"What?" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09) - "Superpowers should go to the best person for the job." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
"I will answer your questions, but you must transform back to Jennifer."
"You are very expensive."
"Oh, sure."
"But wait until the camera is off you. The visual effects team has moved on to another project. [Wakandan drums]" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09) -
"Are we done here?"
"Oh, would not mind seeing Daredevil again. A woman has needs."
"Historically, we've been light in that department."
"Oh! While I've got you here…"
"Oh, wait, you are sitting?"
"What's with all the daddy issues? We got Tony Stark. Daddy issues."
"Thor. Daddy issues. Loki. Same daddy, same issues."
"Oh, boy."
"Star-Lord. Two daddies, two issues."
"Jen, please stop."
"Oh, and when are we getting the X-Men? [tongue out, thumbs up at camera]" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09) -
"You obliterated the thrilling ending K.E.V.I.N. formulated."
"Yeah, that's what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes, Matt Murdock."
"Okay, now get back to the show. See you on the big screen."
"No." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09) - </She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01>
- </Welcome to Wrexham, S01>
- "Isn't CNN that place where you take your kids to play in the fountains?" (Atlanta, S04E06)
- "Look, if you sold drugs in Atlanta, you made a 'Crank Dat' video, okay?" (Atlanta, S04E06)
- ♫: Young Thug – "Tick Tock" (Atlanta, S04E06)
- "I don't want to kiss my friend for shoes." (Atlanta, S04E06)
- #MermaidsAreWhite (Atlanta, S04E06)
"If I was you, I'd be on the way to my safe farm right now."
"Safe farm? What the hell is a safe farm?"
"A farm that's safe. If you don't got a safe farm, you good as dead. You know… 'Like a good nigga, safe farm is there.'"
"Nigga, what the fuck is you talking about?"
"I don't know, man. I'm tired, I'm scared. Yo, get all the Soulja-tendo game systems. All of 'em." (Atlanta, S04E06) - "This kiss ain't gonna French itself. I'm sorry, it's just an expression I'm trying out." (Atlanta, S04E06)
- "Eight minutes? No, man. Come on. No. Come on, man, that's… That's a whole, like, Animaniacs." (Atlanta, S04E06)
"How you know it was me?"
"Only famous people trying to blend in come in dressed like that. You're the only nigga in here with a hat with no logo on it. You know how hard it is to find a hat without a logo on it? See? That's Chris Evans." (Atlanta, S04E06) -
"Try our Bourbon Street chicken?"
"Nigga, everybody already knows what that taste like." (Atlanta, S04E06) -
"Cover me."
"Nigga, I work at Sbarro!" (Atlanta, S04E06) -
"Uh, can I see, um, one of these digital display belt buckles, please?"
"Really? I got to be honest with you, last person I sold one of these to was a crackhead. Maybe you'll start a trend." (Atlanta, S04E06) - ♫: K-Ci and JoJo – "All My Life" (Atlanta, S04E06)
- "Is that you and Some Guy Named Doug?" (Atlanta, S04E06)
(Little Demon, S01E09)
- "I gave you the keys to my beach house so you could have some peace – lay on the beach, sun your taint, you know?" (Little Demon, S01E09)
- "I'd rather hang myself by my labia." (Little Demon, S01E09)
- "Bring me all their nipple jewels. I shall press them to my breasts." (Little Demon, S01E09)
- "Hey, why don't you pick on some titties your own size, huh?" (Little Demon, S01E09)
- "Hey, no offense, but I want to eat your testicles – is that cool?" (Little Demon, S01E09)
- "I've got fucking cum coming out of my ear holes." (Little Demon, S01E09)
"No, this is selfish, and so are you."
"I'm actually more mammal than a crus— Oh, honestly, thought you said 'shellfish.' It's kind of funny." (Little Demon, S01E09) -
"What's Jessica Jr. like?"
"Ugh, the literal worst, and I dated a basilisk." (Little Demon, S01E09) -
"We must make three."
"Three? Why three?"
"One will always corrupt. Two will divide."
"But with three, there is balance." (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01E08) - ♫: Fiona Apple – "Where the Shadows Lie" (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01E08)
- </The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01>
- "Now I work for DHL. I come up with tracking numbers." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
- "Aww. What a joy they must have had on Ash Wednesday." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
- "I'm going to my room to masturbate with a big, cold Rolex. You know where the exit is." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
- "You know, when I took this job, I made a vow to destabilize any nation and to further American interests. So I'll be damned if a photo of me wearing a dress over jeans will threaten America from being a beacon of hope and change." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
"Besides, I'm not afraid because my computer is well-protected with Norton Anti-virus."
"Listen to the virus! We can't expose our devices."
"Well, I have a Mac, so I'm not worried." (Los Espookys, S02E05) (Los Espookys, S02E05) -
"Don't worry. He'll be fine."
"There are valves."
"Yeah, Tati. There are valves." (Los Espookys, S02E05)