I've been sitting in front my computer for three hours trying to craft a post and…
It is important to note that while "hizzouse" retains its noun form, it is never acceptable to refer to one half of a bicameral legislature as "The Hizzouse of Representatives" unless one finds oneself in a Chris Rock film. Although that rule stands, referring to oneself as "the Speaker of the Hizzouse" is acceptable, if not encouraged. [source]
Ask Michael Vick
Q: Hey, Mike. What part of your mouth do the Aryans usually ejaculate onto?
A: Roof!
Q: Hey, Mike. How is anal rape without lube?
A: Ruff!
Q: Hey, Mike. What kind of candy bar were you sodomized with last night?
A: Ruth!
On Dancing with the Stars, Susan and Tony danced the Rumba to "Waiting on the World to Change."
On the Wikipedia page on former Reel Big Fish trumpet player Tavis Werts, I read:
After leaving Reel Big Fish Tavis returned to college to pursue a degree in Rocket Science.
"WHAT?" I thought.
Mechanical Engineering major at UC Irvine.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean congue. Phasellus massa risus, feugiat quis, cursus vitae, dapibus ac, lacus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi vel risus ac orci mattis interdum. Aenean pulvinar iaculis nunc. Donec in quam ut magna tempor eleifend. Curabitur egestas, quam nec pulvinar convallis, ligula nulla scelerisque metus, sed tincidunt est massa quis tortor. Nunc imperdiet tortor nec orci. Sed lobortis mauris a erat. Donec placerat. Nunc at diam. Vestibulum tellus. Fusce a massa. Donec quis dui ullamcorper pede ornare faucibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean congue. Phasellus massa risus, feugiat quis, cursus vitae, dapibus ac, lacus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi vel risus ac orci mattis interdum. Aenean pulvinar iaculis nunc. Donec in quam ut magna tempor eleifend. Curabitur egestas, quam nec pulvinar convallis, ligula nulla scelerisque metus, sed tincidunt est massa quis tortor. Nunc imperdiet tortor nec orci. Sed lobortis mauris a erat. Donec placerat. Nunc at diam. Vestibulum tellus. Fusce a massa. Donec quis dui ullamcorper pede ornare faucibus.
Double spacing between sentences should be a punishable offense.
why the hell do people double space after sentences? it's retarded looking.
Looks like Kiffin was gonna have something amputated, too. With an ax. By Al Davis. Which is very metal, but only abstractly.