It's the summer of 1998 and I'm in school fulfilling my high school Health class requirement. I have a Smashing Pumpkins song stuck in my head, but I don't know what it's called, so I ask a girl at my table.
"Hey, do you know the name of the Smashing Pumpkins song with a chorus that goes 'a killer in me is a killer in you'?"
She doesn't know and suggests that I go ask this little alternative girl sitting at the next table. So I go over and ask the little alternative girl.
"Hey, do you know the name of the Smashing Pumpkins song with a chorus that goes 'a killer in me is a killer in you'?"
"Yeah. 'Sodomy.'"
I think to myself: 'Sodomy'? What an awkward name for a song. I guess it makes sense…
Flash forward to October. I'm in yearbook class discussing rock music with somebody and the subject of the Smashing Pumpkins comes up.
"Oooh! I LOVE the Pumpkins! Billy Corgan is God. My favorite song is 'Tonight, Tonight.'"
"I like 'Sodomy'!"
I would later find out that the name of the song is actually "Disarm."
Whoo! I can't get enough of System Of A Down's new single "Chop Suey!" I'm such a fanboy.