I finished booking the rest of my school year for the most part. I'm still working on securing time for the upcoming Elliott Smith show at UCLA and the out-of-state Sasquatch! and Field Day festivals. Everything would be a lot easier were I not stuck in school through mid-June. <3 quarter system.
"It's gonna take a lot of time before I can cross that finish line."
ben kweller – "commerce, tx"
sat 04.26 + sun 04.27
English Drama To 1576 Midterm
wed 04.30
thu 05.01 @ mann bruin
fri 05.02 @ mann village
20th Century British Fiction Midterm
mon 05.05
The Italian Job
tue 05.06 @ ucla's ackerman grand ballroom
wed 05.07 @ ucla's melnitz hall
Daddy Day Care
fri 05.09
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring + The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Double Feature)
sat 05.10 @ ucla's melnitz hall
20th Century American Hero 2-Page Final Paper Prospectus Due
tue 05.13
Sweet Sixteen
tue 05.13 @ egyptian theatre
Second Annual J. Wilcox Hollywood Birthday Bash!
The Animatrix
(First Public Theatrical Screening)
wed 05.14 @ egyptian theatre
followed immediately by
The Matrix Reloaded
(05.15 Midnight Screening)
across the street @ grauman's chinese theatre
then later the same day
The Matrix Reloaded
@ mann village
The Matrix Reloaded
fri 05.16 @ mann village
Ted Leo + The Pharmacists
sat 05.17 @ the troubadour
The Sting
mon 05.19 @ samuel goldwyn theatre
English Drama to 1576 8-Page Paper Due
wed 05.21
Bruce Almighty
fri 05.23
The Godfather: Part II
tue 05.27 @ samuel goldwyn theatre
Finding Nemo
fri 05.30
20th Century British Fiction 10-Page Paper Due
mon 06.02
A Decade Under The Influence
thu 06.05 @ landmark nuart
The Eye (Jian Gui)
fri 06.06 @ landmark nuart
English Drama To 1576 Final
tue 06.10
20th Century British Fiction Final
wed 06.11
20th Century American Hero 20-Page Final Paper Due
thu 06.12
fri 06.13
I don't know how to drive stick.
I've never driven in southern California before.
Next weekend, I have to drive stick in southern California.
I suppose I could practice beforehand.
Of course, I'd need a car first.