My mother asked me to pick up some unidentifiable Chinese herbs at a store downtown.
I can't imagine any other type of pharmacy just stuffing its wares into filing cabinet drawers, heedless of sanitary issues.
Of course, Chinese herbs are brewed and not ingested.
The use of parts of endangered species (such as seahorses, rhinoceros horns, and tiger bones) has created controversy.
Hmm… A flu shot or "parts" of seahorses?
On one hand, I don't like needles. On the other, the prospect of drinking brewed seahorse anus repulses me.
My mother insisted that I wear green underwear and a burgundy shirt on Chinese New Year's Day for good luck this Chinese calendar year.
I didn't think I owned a burgundy shirt.
Turns out I do. I dug up a burgundy shirt I bought at a Salvation Army in Vancouver because it read "Justice Institute of British Columbia."
"The Justice Institute of British Columbia" hee! I love how that sounds.
At dinner on Chinese New Year's Eve, my cousin's son Ethan invented a game called "Stick a finger in my nose and then wipe it on Uncle Jon's pants."
For two days of spending time with my family, I received a red envelope payout of $703. Not bad.
The $3 was from my mother. 3 is my lucky number this Chinese calendar year.