Last night on Idol, David Cook butchered "Innocent" by Our Lady Peace, a song that I conceived a video for in college while bored during class one day.
I was hooked on the television show Oz at the time, and thought to pair Raine Maida's repetitions of "we are all innocent" with a portrait of life in a maximum security prison populated solely by toddlers.
The journey of a particular toddler would frame (no pun intended) the video. At the beginning of the video, a judge sentences the toddler to death. The toddler enters death row. Inmates riot as his execution date approaches. At the end of the video, a prison officer slips a hood over the toddler's head. The toddler fries in an electric chair. Fin.
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"Bands performing will cover the history of the label's roster, including two reunion performances."