Hello from Toronto.
I'm writing from rainy Yonge-Dundas Square because my hotel charges $19 for 24 hours of Internet. It's also somehow sucking my mobile's (charged) battery dry while I sleep, rendering the alarm useless.
I saw Danny Glover on my outbound flight eating a sandwich. Saw Bill Maher outside Pearson waiting for a limo. Touched Dylan Moran. Met the (unbeknownst to me at the time) managing editor of BMEzine.
Missed the Bears beating the Colts (!) to attend the world premiere of Zack and Miri Make a Porno. I never thought I'd hear an MC Chris song in a Hollywood movie.
TIFF Leaderboard (I'll expound later):
1. A Film With Me In It
2. Zack and Miri Make a Porno
3. Kisses
4. Detroit Metal City
5. Not Quite Hollywood
6. Acné
7. Zift
8. The Ghost
Torontoans like sour burritos.
Nice, glad to see that "A Film With Me In It" beat out "Zack and Miri Make a Porno".
None of those links work right now.
When all you want is an alarm clock, set your phone on 'Airplane Mode' and it won't waste battery power.
Don't forget to change "brady vs. favre" on the playlist. ugh.
I hope "sour burritos" replaces "sour grapes" in the vernacular.