Perhaps Oklahoma should play Ohio State next year.
The CES showfloor would be a good level in Blast Corps.
I saw a man with a bleached-blond mullet (brown sideburns). I wanted to photograph him, but the camera I borrowed can't zoom.
An African (continent) man approached me and asked if my company manufactures spy cameras.
I saw a full-page ad in the daily CES magazine for the AVN Adult Movie Awards. CES attendees receive a $25 ticket discount. Hmm… Flo Rida will perform live!
Standing on a sidewalk flicking business cards for hookers is an occupation for hundreds of Mexicans.
Idea: Require said Mexicans to wear superhero costumes.
Hidden camera idea: Send a five-year-old girl directly to a guy's hotel room.
If you enjoy pyroflatulence, then you'll love the Mirage's new volcano eruption.