I think the shower in my hotel room emits salt water.
Last year, PMA shared the city with a carpet trade show. This year, PMA is sharing the city with a caterers convention and a nightclub-and-bar convention.
Vegas value. Note that what you see are egg and tuna salad sandwiches.
At lunch, I realized that I was consuming a cheeseburger and Pepsi and chuckled.
I walked past The Great Alaskan Bowl Company's booth. They…uh…print images on wooden bowls.
My boss somehow obtained a copy of Monday's issue of Supermarket News.
Food Lion will soon begin piloting a convenience/prepared meal aisle in 17 stores. Rather than pair foods by category, the retailer will test sets within a single aisle that are merchandised by levels of convenience.
Ultra-convenient items like shelf-stable microwavable meals prepared in under five minutes and requiring no cleanup may be paired together near the front of the aisle alongside items like canned chili and stews that take less than 10 minutes to prepare.
Boxed dinners that require a protein and take less than 20 minutes to prepare would be grouped together at the back of the aisle, close to the meat department.
The strategy comes at the recommendation of Hormel.