This Uncharted 2 demo is sex on fire.
Majora's Malaxy?
1:23 Zombie Marios!
1:27 Star Trek!
Looks like the Koopa kids return in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
Nintendo receives a lot of grief for riding the same few franchises, but all Kojima makes is Metal Gear Solid games, and he's perceived as a genius.
Band Name Idea: Mr. Iwata's Wii Vitality Sensor.
Natal = Mr. Gates' No Fun Sensor.
I'm not buying Sony's "Play, Create, Share" movement either. Most gamers just want to play, and most level creations are garbage.
A la Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it)…
Idea: Final Fantasy: Retold (by someone who's only seen game trailers).
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