Because Magic Week was such a success.
I'm-a focus on playing card games. Uno, Apples to Apples, Milles Bornes, et cetera may receive their own theme week in the future.
Solitaire and computers I believe the biological term to describe their relationship is "mutualistic symbiosis."
Before computers, who would ever willingly play Solitaire?
I played it once with a deck of cards and it's unwieldy, the cards don't cascade when you finish, and you never know if your current game is unplayable.
Speaking of which…
A computer is capable of recognizing unplayable Solitaire card distributions.
I should NEVER receive an unplayable game of computer Solitaire! It's like dying in Maniac Mansion and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure.
"This is BULLSHIT, LucasArts!"
Hearts is another game that's best played on a computer, for a few reasons:
1. You don't need to round up three people to play.
If I round up three people to play a game, we're playing poker or mahjong, not fuckin' Hearts.
2. You don't need to wait for other people to deliberate.
If you disable animations, you can finish a round in under a minute.
3. The computer keeps score for you.
Jon, why don't you like to play Scrabble?
My lone Hearts achievement: I have shot the moon against both human and computer opponents.
this post inspired me to play a few games of solitaire.
Vladmir means he got so bored reading this he started playing.