Bacarri Rambo

Bacarri Rambo was born Bacarri Fudge (Fudge was his mother's maiden name). But in grade school his parents legally changed his name to Rambo (after his father, Danny Rambo).

"When people see the name 'Rambo' on the back of my jersey, they expect me to be a hard-nosed killer with a scarf around my head and paint under my eyes. If I was playing in the secondary and named Fudge, everybody would say I was soft. I went from being soft to being hard."

Actually, he went from Fudge to Goo before arriving at Baccari Rambo.

"When I was an infant, my mom used to always give me cough drops because I always used to cry. So I'd get cough drops, and I'd suck on them. And my eyes, they'd say I'd look like Mr. Magoo, the cartoon character, because my eyes would get big. Then it went from Mr. Magoo to Magoo. Then everyone started calling me 'Goo.'"

"That's like a hometown nickname. None of the teachers at my school called me Bacarri. Matter of fact, I've never ever heard my mom or my dad call me Bacarri. Everybody calls me 'Goo' back at home."

So, to recap: Bacarri Rambo was known as Goo Fudge through middle school, then Goo Rambo and now just Bacarri Rambo.

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