"i done got sick 'n tahrd of stickin' them crusty rusty catheters back up my pee hole aginn…makin' my folds smell like a handful o' wet pennies in mah pappy's trout bucket."
"… everytime I had to cath." They have their own lingo. Thanks for making me aware of a possible sub-culture that may have their own dating service for Cath on Cath dating.
Ooooo doggy, that's a good video.
"i done got sick 'n tahrd of stickin' them crusty rusty catheters back up my pee hole aginn…makin' my folds smell like a handful o' wet pennies in mah pappy's trout bucket."
"… everytime I had to cath." They have their own lingo. Thanks for making me aware of a possible sub-culture that may have their own dating service for Cath on Cath dating.
Yo, somebody order me a beer, I'll be right back, I just gotta go take a cath.
SACK – Students Against Cathing at Kinkos. Jon this is Adam's friend from work. I was wondering if you had the name of the BMX vid from last week
Andy: Metal Bikes – 'Dead Bang'