It's not usually considered "polite", "prudent", or "smart" to edit the words of your sites back-end administrator; It turns out that your back-end administrator can do whatever he wants to your site. You're lucky if all you get is a poorly written rebuttal. It could have been goatse'ed to oblivion.
So without further ado, I present in full-on, abridged-but-unedited glory, what I actually said about the matter of where Jon should sleep during his lost week:
Jonathan Yu: so i'm planning this trip to toronto
Jonathan Yu: and hotel costs are really high
Jonathan Yu: so i'm considering a hostel
Ryan McKern: man, i would not sleep in a hostel if ever hotel in the city was on fire
Jonathan Yu: should i still be rooming in rooms with 3 other dudes
Jonathan Yu: to save a ton of cash
Jonathan Yu: i just need a place to sleep
Jonathan Yu: yeah i could get a private room
Jonathan Yu: in a hostel for 90
Ryan McKern: you can get a private room in a hotel with a pool for $100
Ryan McKern: i'd rather stay in a dirty motel than a hostel
Jonathan Yu: hostels have free internet
Ryan McKern: so do hotels.
Jonathan Yu: but you have to pay
Jonathan Yu: i've never been in a 4 star
Jonathan Yu: with free internet
Ryan McKern: not at any hotel i've stayed at
Ryan McKern: every 3 and 2 star i've stayed at has had free wifi in the last five years
Jonathan Yu: yeah
Jonathan Yu: like i said
Jonathan Yu: the high end ones
Jonathan Yu: always charge
Ryan McKern: so step down a peg!
Jonathan Yu: i did
Ryan McKern: shit, even a 1 star in albany had a free ethernet drop and wireless
You're welcome, Jon. Welcome to the East Coast.
Haha. You took the bait and how!