I finally visited the much ballyhooed Seattle Public Library and, welp, it's an Ikea with books.
On the bus ride downtown, I overheard the self-proclaimed "former ravers" sitting behind me discuss Breaking Bad. Surprise turned to understanding, as Breaking Bad is the opposite of a rave, and they are former ravers.
The band Trivium is, evidently, quite popular.
Rhubarb is a popular ingredient in this area.
I love that all the hipster eateries I've patronized accept credit cards. Highlight of my trip.
I've seen a few bead shops lately sizable ones both in Seattle and back home. How do they stay in business? Supply must outweigh demand, right? I mean…beads!
in the queue for a film screening:
this green man, looking slightly more reserved neon green fur hat, neon green suit, neon green shoes, neon green pearl earrings, but normal-coloured skin
at the Northwest Folklife Festival:
furries, plastic bag men, and a slew of street rats, two of whom were selling their bodies as signboards. "tongue = $20!"
pre-teen hipsters (the fuck?)
I wish I brought my camera.
When I was in Seattle, I was amazed at the amount of dirty punk rock kids wandering around downtown.
Also, one homeless man holding a sign that read "FREE PARKING" while another homeless man 20 feet away stood in front of the "No Parking" sign.
Seattle was weird.
Hipsters are anti-credit?
no, but many similar eateries in san francisco and berkeley are annoyingly "cash only"