Ixnay on the Hombre

W. Kamau Bell's upcoming CNN series United Shades of America looks interesting.

In [the] series premiere, he uses humor to challenge Klansmen looking to rebrand their message. [source]

Shades of TV Nation.

Bill Burr on WTF with Marc Maron:

You never throw anything out. Everything you've ever owned exists someplace on this planet, unless it was biodegradable. It's out there – your rollerblades, everything that you stopped using.

You know how at the end of Big Fish, all of the characters in Edward's stories show up at his funeral?

Idea: A variation on Big Fish in which the estranged son ends up in the Great Pacific garbage patch at the end and sees stuff from all of his father's fanciful stories floating in the water.

His father lives in Hawaii, is dying, and wants to go on one last boat trip. He reluctantly accompanies his father on the boat trip. They get lost at sea. His father dies. The boat drifts into the Great Pacific garbage patch.

Adam Riff™ Clip of the Week

So begins my SEVENTH year of doing this.

1. Las Cucarachas (Ash vs. Evil Dead, S01E10)

Stray Observations

  • Fat Mycroft (Sherlock, S04E01)
  • Victorian mind palace (Sherlock, S04E01)
  • "Controlled usage is not usually fatal, and abstinence is not immortality." (Sherlock, S04E01)
  • Sherlock Season Grade: C
  • Ash vs. Evil Dead Season Grade: C

Still the AR™TV World Drama Champion: Fargo
Still the AR™TV World Comedy Champion: Nathan For You


I Feel So

Jon: My New Year's resolution is to read more books. Any recommendations?


Poet Anderson…Of Nightmares follows the epic journey of two orphan brothers, Jonas and Alan, who are Lucid Dreamers. After a tragic car accident lands Alan in a coma, Jonas sets out into the Dream World in an attempt to find his brother and wake him up. What he discovers instead is an entire shared consciousness where fear comes to life as a snarling beast called a Night Terror, and a creature named REM is bent on destruction and misery, devouring the souls of the strongest dreamers to get closer to the Waking World. With the help of a Dream Walker—a guardian of the dreamscape, Jonas must face his fears, save his brother, and become who he was always meant to be: Poet Anderson.


There are two more books coming in this trilogy?
With Poet Anderson, there's a trilogy of novels. The first one hits shelves in just a few days. And then there will be two more books that follow. There's going to be more animation, there's going to be more graphic novels, there's going to be more short films, there's going to be major motion pictures.

Are there any other projects you have going that you haven't mentioned?
Oh yeah, I have four. I'll say this. I'm in Colorado Springs right now, having meetings with officers from U.S. Air Force Space Command about my next franchise that I'm launching.

The witnesses are legion, scattered across the world and dotted through history, people who looked up and saw something impossible lighting up the night sky.

From the waning days of the 20th century's final great war to the fraught fields of Afghanistan to the otherworldly secrets hidden amid Nevada's dusty neverlands—the truth that is out there will propel a soldier, a socialite, a pilot, and a prisoner into a labyrinth of otherworldly technology and the competing aims of those who might seek to prevent—or harness—these beings of unfathomable power. Because, as it turns out, we are not the only ones who can invent and build…and destroy.

Featuring actual events and other truths drawn from sources within the military and intelligence community. [source]

Strange Times: The Curse of Superstition Mountain Don't F**king Die serves as a prelude to the full length Strange Times novel written by Tom DeLonge slated for Summer 2016.

Idea: A Tom DeLonge book club.

Who are some authors you'd like to work with that you haven't gotten to work with yet?
There's an author out there, a researcher, that writes about his analysis of space programs, world finance geopolitics. His name is Joseph Farrell, and I've been wanting to write with him for a long time.

I have a life, and it only goes in one direction

Whiplash found favor with audiences in Japan and South Korea, where the low-budget pic earned $5 million and $11.5 million, respectively. Perhaps J.K. Simmons' dictatorial music teacher character struck a chord with Asian fans who themselves endured a similarly strict pedagogical approach in their youths.


When Furious 7 snatched [China]'s all-time biggest box office crown in April and Jurassic World legged out to nearly the same heights as Ultron in June, the local market went into what one Western exec termed "a panic": Hollywood films were succeeding at a breakneck pace, while China had not had a movie of its own cross $150M since February. The traditional — and unofficial — summer blackout period was extended by several weeks to allow local fare to flourish and Hollywood to sit on the sidelines longer than in the past.

Monster Hunt, which was left in cinemas for about 60 days versus the 30 that Hollywood movies are allowed, beat F7's record on the Day 58.

In the wake of that, it was reported that screenings of Monster Hunt, as it limped to the finish line, were, as one person tells me, taking place every 15 minutes while empty but "sold out." The ticket fraud issue was raised. Producer Edko Pictures admitted to giving away $6.2M worth of tickets for "public welfare screenings" near the end of the film's run and acknowledged there were overnight and duplicate screenings. [source]

The king stay the king.

Annotated Live-Thog: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Flamethrowers are underrated.

There's beginning a film in medias res, and then there's beginning a film with a main character turning face. Dare I say The Force Awakens could've used a prequel. Episode VII: New Order. Episode VIII: The Force Awakens.


Poe Dameron is a clunky name. His surname should be two syllables long – Poe Jackson. Poe Burnham.

Evidently, stormtroopers wear cargo pants under their armour.

Jon Wilcox: http://news.toyark.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/06/Star-Wars-Force-Awakens-Stormtrooper-Black-Series-004.jpg
Jon Wilcox: https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ItlT-SO5e06E0KFOn4IbKGhYWSE=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4178078/Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens-Picture-John-Boyega-Daisy-Ridley.0.jpg
Jon Wilcox: where did his white boots/shoes go?
Jon Wilcox: or is the white just some kind of covering over weird velcro shoes
Jon Wilcox: also this is different
Jon Wilcox: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81Vw%2BJLjIOL._SL1500_.jpg

Steven: how the hell they don't use clones is beyond me
Jon: practical effects

"That's miiiiine!!!"

^ That's Simon Pegg

A Star Trek Into Darkness snap zoom

Holy 3D!

"Droid, please"?

Finn's dialogue feels incongruous. I half-expected a Jesse Pinkman "Yeah, bitch!"

Finn is Jesse Pinkman, Han is Walter White, and…. KYLO FLYNN!

You cast the stars of The Raid/The Raid 2 as redshirts?!

^ Kanjiklub

I hope Donnie Yen is used better in Rogue One.

Thanos adjace.

Oh, it's a hologram.

If you've seen A New Hope, then The Force Awakens spoils itself. Same beats.

As soon as I learned that Han Solo is Kylo Ren's father, I knew that Han Solo was gonna die, and the amount of screen time that Harrison Ford received confirmed it. He's Episode VII's Obi-Wan Kenobi analogue.

I look forward to seeing ghost Han Solo, ghost Luke Skywalker, and ghost Kylo Ren at the end of Episode IX.

Is her name Rey or Reia? Asian Leia, heh.

Did they convert a planet into a Death Star or terraform a Death Star? Starkiller Ski Resort and Base.

Kyle: It's crazy to me that Finn has a big fight with an anonymous stormtrooper. Why is that not Phasma???

Venom C-3P0.

If the First Order has all but one section of the map, why not comb the missing section for Luke Skywalker?

Kylo Ren = "Break Stuff"
BB-8 = "Rollin'"
Finn = "Nookie"

Greg Grunberg is J.J. Abrams' Hector Elizondo.

Hey, Ken Leung!

Maz Kanata/Captain Phasma: Why motion-capture Lupita Nyong'o or suit up Gwendoline Christie to play a nothing character? At least Kylo Ren removes his helmet.

Daniel Craig plays the stormtrooper whose mind Rey tricks.

Oh, now R2-D2 awakens.

This trek up the island might outlast the Energizer.

Judah Friedlander was in the bar?

"BB-8 Voice Consultants: Bill Hader and Ben Schwartz" – Jean-Ralphio!

A version of this film in which Rey doesn't encounter BB-8, the TIE fighter that Poe and Finn nick doesn't crash, Poe retrieves BB-8, the Resistance finds Luke, and Luke is again the lead of the series. Daisy Ridley was a red herring.

Why is this Kylo Ren hoodie only for kids?

Adam Riff™ Clips of the Year

1. Nerds (Friends of the People, S01E10)
2. Christina (Worst Cooks in America, S06E01)
3. Fifty Shades of Grey (Togetherness, S01E01)
4. Nola vs. Burton (Banshee, S03E03)
5. Marshawn Lynch and Rob Gronkowski Play "Mortal Kombat X" With Conan O'Brien (Conan, 01-29-15)
6. The Oner (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, S10E04)
7. The prosecution rests (Better Call Saul, S01E01)
8. 50 Shades of Gay (Portlandia, S05E07)
9. What Is Escrow? (Portlandia, S05E08)
10. Girlfriend University (Man Seeking Woman, S01E08)
11. Glow Stick Magic Trick (Troy, S02E01)
12. Virtual Insanity (Community, S06E02)
13. She picked a bad time (The Americans, S03E09)
14. Partners (Justified, S06E11)
15. The Interview (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, 04-05-15)
16. Pooey Louie (Louie, S05E02)
17. Football Town Nights (Inside Amy Schumer, S03E01)
18. Black Widow: Age of Me (Saturday Night Live, S40E19)
19. The Guy From Jeff's Gym (Community, S06E09)
20. Adam Sandler's Musical Ode to David Letterman (Late Show with David Letterman, 05-12-15)
21. The End (Late Show with David Letterman, 05-20-15)
22. Adult 2.0 Keynote (Silicon Valley, S02E07)
23. WHITEWALKAZ!!!! (Game of Thrones, S05E08)
24. Blood on the dance floor (Penny Dreadful, S02E06)
25. Walk of Shame (Game of Thrones, S05E10)
26. Witness (True Detective, S02E01)
27. Jack vs. Hannibal 2 (Hannibal, S03E05)
28. Kaleidoscopic Lesbian Sex Scene (Hannibal, S03E06)
29. Point Pleasant Police Department (The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, 07-16-15)
30. Brock Lesnar confronts The Undertaker / The brawl between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker spills backstage (WWE Raw, 07-20-15)
31. Gene vs. The Falcon (Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, S01E08)
32. The Correspondents Say Goodbye (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, 08-06-15)
33. Being a Little Person (Review, S02E03)
34. The Great Red Dragon bites Chilton's lips off (Hannibal, S03E12)
35. The Ballad of Ice-T (Rick and Morty, S02E05)
36. A Kingdom of Bullshit (Mr. Robot, S01E10)
37. Seth Rollins wanders around backstage yelling STING GIVE ME BACK MY STATUE, Xavier Woods plays the Final Fantasy victory fanfare on the trombone, The New Day engages in a trombone vs. kazoo battle with Edge and Christian, Big E tries to eat a kazoo, The Dudley Boyz show up (WWE Raw, 09-07-15)
38. At the Mercy of the Magic 8-Ball (Review, S02E08)
39. Ariana Grande's Death (Scream Queens, S01E01)
40. End of the Road (Fresh Off the Boat, S02E02)
41. Guns (Saturday Night Live, S41E02)
42. Boogers and Cum (South Park, S19E04)
43. Man Zone (Nathan for You, S03E02)
44. Porn? (Nathan for You, S03E03)
45. Age Progression Specialist (Nathan for You, S03E04)
46. Brain Probe (The Knick, S02E05)
47. Calzone Cadaver (Nathan for You, S03E06)
48. Staple Gun (Getting On, S03E03)
49. Hostage (Fargo, S02E08)
50. Wedding Photo (Transparent, S02E01)
51. Self-Surgery (The Knick, S02E10)


52. Steve Harvey announces the wrong winner (Miss Universe, 12-20-15)

Stray Observations

  • Homeland Season Grade: D

Looking forward:

Comedies created by Louis CK and Steve Carell, and a drama from Mick Jagger starring Andrew "Dice" Clay.
