Show grief your fucking tits

We have some [items] that are just stamped with the [Freak on a Leash brand name] but we also have the plushies — the [severed] zombie hand, the eyeball, scorpions. I mean, that's what I would buy for my dogs. Dante loves that hand, he takes it everywhere. And the eyeball — I've got videos of a friend whose cats love the eyeballs, they just throw them in the air.

Freak on a Leash pet products, a Mom's Spaghetti restaurant in Detroit…

Hit Me, Baby, One More Time punching bags. Or balls for racquet sports.

Oops!…I Did It Again diapers. "I'm not, that, continent!"

She Bangs hair salons.

A limited edition Livin' La Vida Coca[-Cola] creation. Life flavoured. Serving size: one cup.

Alas, Korn peaked too early for an Adidas sneaker collab.

Adam Riff™ Clip of the Week

43. Fruit by the Foot (House of the Dragon, S01E09)

Honourable Mention

Stray Observations

  • "He said, 'Time to get it wet.'" (House of the Dragon, S01E09)
  • "There is no power but what the people allow you to take." (House of the Dragon, S01E09)
  • "No one ever tells you how cold San Francisco is."
    "But I thought Stanford was in Palo Alto."
    "Palo Alto sucks." (Let the Right One In, S01E02)
  • "We're not heading into the sun. Just very close to it."
    "I don't think the preposition's the most important thing here!"
    "The sun doesn't care about grammar." (Avenue 5, S02E02)
  • "I am packing serious foam here. I will foam you!" (Avenue 5, S02E02)
  • "Houston, we have a pregnant." (Avenue 5, S02E02)
  • "I will shout you calm!" (Avenue 5, S02E02)
  • "We're just working on story."
    "Ah, general idea, uh, is Lawrence and Josie's favorite neighborhood restaurant is losing its lease."
    "Okay. Yes, and…they hire a private chef, but he shakes a lot, so the food flies everywhere. Now you go!" (Reboot, S01E07)
  • "Why would I be scared of a slow, 60-year-old has-been when just like on Yom Kippur, I fast." (Reboot, S01E07)
  • "Can someone call a doctor?"
    "I can call my dad."
    "My dad's a doctor."
    "Yeah, I can call my mom or my dad."
    "My mom's an orthodontist if that counts." (Reboot, S01E07)
  • "I'm gonna kill my father, cut his head off, and fuck his skull. I'm just kidding, I'm not going to fuck his skull." (The Patient, S01E09)
  • "Has anyone ever made a weapon that wasn't used?" (Andor, S01E07)
  • "Take all the money you've found and go and find some peace."
    "I won't have peace. I'll be worried about you all the time."
    "That's just love. Nothing you can do about that. I've never loved anything the way I love you, and I've never fretted on anything more, but this time…you can't stay, and I can't go." (Andor, S01E07)
  • "Thesis, please." (Andor, S01E07)
  • ♫: Nicholas Britell – "Niamos!" (Andor, S01E07)
  • "I can't even hear myself think over the kids singing body-wody-whatever."
    "See, that's not even how the song goes. I thought you was one of them spicy Whites." (Abbott Elementary, S02E05)
  • "You know, when you think about it, 'Grindin" by Clipse was kind of the original Cup Song."
    "Mm. Oh, my God. I never thought about it like that. Anna Kendrick is such a fraud!" (Abbott Elementary, S02E05)
  • "I'm like the MVP of serial murder." (Chucky, S02E03)
  • Patti Lupone singing in a gay bathhouse (American Horror Story: NYC, S11E01)
  • "That toad is not for you, okay?" (Atlanta, S04E07)
  • "It's…a little…Kanye being passionate, but I do know what you mean." (Atlanta, S04E07)
  • "Oh, this—oh, it burns! My metal dick's conductive." (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • "Guess who's getting extra bat clit stew tonight?" (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • "I'm Millipede number 323, Gwaelod Realm, conceived at a mud pit key party. This is Klibguck 583 from Wadkin, Richard Kind from Earth, Yorke from Ruddy-Oh—" (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • "Furries are attacking!"
    "Furries, like yiff stuff?" (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • "I'm all for big romantic gestures, Benny – boom boxes outside of windows, kissing upside down, a wet Ryan Gosling." (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • "I am not my genitalia." (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • "Leney, babe, ready for round 12? I'll wear the ribbed morphsuit you— Uh… Shit, well, cat's out of the bag. We're fucking!" (Little Demon, S01E10)
  • </Little Demon, S01>
  • </The Mole, S06>
  • ♫: Lilys – "Any Place I've Lived" (High School, S01E5)
  • ♫: Tegan and Sara – "The Plunk Song" (High School, S01E5)
  • "You gave the Moon your earring for us?" (Los Espookys, S02E06)
  • "Also, it looks nothing like the Moon." (Los Espookys, S02E06)
  • "Come on, kids, let's watch the eclipse on TV!" (Los Espookys, S02E06)
  • </Los Espookys, S02>
  • The Raid (Gangs of London, S02E08)
  • </Gangs of London, S02>

Sad and deplorable about the attitude of untruth

Previously on Adam Riff™:

October 2005
A long time ago, while perusing IMDb, I stumbled upon a film called 5-25-77, the release date for Star Wars classic. The film's website offered little information, but the production company granted my request for a copy of the script. This is Almost Fanboy, I thought.

February 2007
Films about Star Wars that I want to see:
5-25-77 [May 25, 2007]

June 2008
5-25-77 prepped for a Toronto debut

July 2013
[browsing Fantasia film festival selections] Oh! 5-25-77. Is it another work-in-progress screening? I don't see anything… Whoa. After NINE some years in production, it appears a final cut exists.

May 2017
5-25-77 had its official premiere at the Genesee Theatre in Waukegan, Illinois.

September 2022
The final cut of 5-25-77 debuted at the Skyline Indie Film Fest in Winchester, Virginia before debuting on 100 screens on September 23 and becoming available on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 8, 2022.

Fool me five times…

2004 to 2022 is two years longer than the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace.

Duke Nukem Forever was realized in less time.

Adam Riff™ Clip of the Week

42. Incredible (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)

Honourable Mention

  • Mall shoot-out (Atlanta, S04E06)

Stray Observations

  • "He can keep his tongue." (House of the Dragon, S01E08)
  • "It's like drinking Kathleen Turner's voice." (Let the Right One In, S01E01)
  • "So you're right. You were Father of the Fucking Year. Have a nice death." (Let the Right One In, S01E01)
  • "Lord, no. He's here again? Morty protocol, children. Oh, what's it now? Brain bugs? Space worms? Have I been The Faculty'd again?" (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
  • ♫: "Real Dinosaur Names" (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
  • "May you rest in peace, rather than the tank of an SUV." (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
  • "Only people who have really fucked up in the past have to virtue signal this hard. Look at Sean Penn." (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
  • ♫: "Bad Little Dino Boy" (Rick and Morty, S06E06)
  • "I just saw her fucking tits. Oh my god, would you tell those motherfuckers to get their shit together? Oh my god, I'm sorry, we're in the final dress rehearsal and Margo Martindale's top just fell off." (Reboot, S01E06)
  • "Oh, what, what the Ls don't like to look sexy now?" (Reboot, S01E06)
  • "…and the Jew says, 'Old age.'" (The Patient, S01E08)
  • Dr. Quadpaw (Andor, S01E06)
  • "That guy reminds me of my dad." (Chucky, S02E02)
  • "From what I understand, he's obsessed with a TV show about Australian dogs." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • Chicken-flavoured instant ramen with pork rinds and peanut butter (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • "I've been talking about my ex too much. Jacob tells me I sound like a lesbian. I'm working on it." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • "Talk to me, bro."
    "Try again."
    "Copy that. Uh, hey, Gregory. Is there anything you want to get off your chest?" (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • "I got beef with every Charles Entertainment Cheese in the greater Philadelphia area." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • Gregory's walk of atonement (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • "Hang on. Wait. Let me just… Let me just say one thing to you before you go, okay? Your roots are growing in." (Abbott Elementary, S02E04)
  • "Oh, no, sweetheart. It's all right. People go to prison every day." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "Jennifer Walters is a woman at a new low. She has no fight left."
    "No, not doing a narrator. We're not that off the rails." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "You gotta blend in with these trolls. And remember to always refer to women as females." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "Why does there even need to be a She-Hulk? It's not like there's a He-Hulk. And Lady Thor?"
    "Hey, guys, she just sucks, okay?"
    "And I'm not saying that because she's a female. I would have the same criticisms if she was a man."
    "Yeah, too many emotions." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "This guy rules, all right? You heard it from me first. He rules and he's hot."
    "I'd smash you."
    "What?" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "Superpowers should go to the best person for the job." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "I will answer your questions, but you must transform back to Jennifer."
    "You are very expensive."
    "Oh, sure."
    "But wait until the camera is off you. The visual effects team has moved on to another project. [Wakandan drums]" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "Are we done here?"
    "Oh, would not mind seeing Daredevil again. A woman has needs."
    "Historically, we've been light in that department."
    "Oh! While I've got you here…"
    "Oh, wait, you are sitting?"
    "What's with all the daddy issues? We got Tony Stark. Daddy issues."
    "Thor. Daddy issues. Loki. Same daddy, same issues."
    "Oh, boy."
    "Star-Lord. Two daddies, two issues."
    "Jen, please stop."
    "Oh, and when are we getting the X-Men? [tongue out, thumbs up at camera]" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • "You obliterated the thrilling ending K.E.V.I.N. formulated."
    "Yeah, that's what Hulks do. We smash things. Bruce smashes buildings. I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes, Matt Murdock."
    "Okay, now get back to the show. See you on the big screen."
    "No." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E09)
  • </She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01>
  • </Welcome to Wrexham, S01>
  • "Isn't CNN that place where you take your kids to play in the fountains?" (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "Look, if you sold drugs in Atlanta, you made a 'Crank Dat' video, okay?" (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • ♫: Young Thug – "Tick Tock" (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "I don't want to kiss my friend for shoes." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • #MermaidsAreWhite (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "If I was you, I'd be on the way to my safe farm right now."
    "Safe farm? What the hell is a safe farm?"
    "A farm that's safe. If you don't got a safe farm, you good as dead. You know… 'Like a good nigga, safe farm is there.'"
    "Nigga, what the fuck is you talking about?"
    "I don't know, man. I'm tired, I'm scared. Yo, get all the Soulja-tendo game systems. All of 'em." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "This kiss ain't gonna French itself. I'm sorry, it's just an expression I'm trying out." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "Eight minutes? No, man. Come on. No. Come on, man, that's… That's a whole, like, Animaniacs." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "How you know it was me?"
    "Only famous people trying to blend in come in dressed like that. You're the only nigga in here with a hat with no logo on it. You know how hard it is to find a hat without a logo on it? See? That's Chris Evans." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "Try our Bourbon Street chicken?"
    "Nigga, everybody already knows what that taste like." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "Cover me."
    "Nigga, I work at Sbarro!" (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "Uh, can I see, um, one of these digital display belt buckles, please?"
    "Really? I got to be honest with you, last person I sold one of these to was a crackhead. Maybe you'll start a trend." (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • ♫: K-Ci and JoJo – "All My Life" (Atlanta, S04E06)
  • "Is that you and Some Guy Named Doug?" (Atlanta, S04E06)

(Little Demon, S01E09)

  • "I gave you the keys to my beach house so you could have some peace – lay on the beach, sun your taint, you know?" (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "I'd rather hang myself by my labia." (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "Bring me all their nipple jewels. I shall press them to my breasts." (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "Hey, why don't you pick on some titties your own size, huh?" (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "Hey, no offense, but I want to eat your testicles – is that cool?" (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "I've got fucking cum coming out of my ear holes." (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "No, this is selfish, and so are you."
    "I'm actually more mammal than a crus— Oh, honestly, thought you said 'shellfish.' It's kind of funny." (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "What's Jessica Jr. like?"
    "Ugh, the literal worst, and I dated a basilisk." (Little Demon, S01E09)
  • "We must make three."
    "Three? Why three?"
    "One will always corrupt. Two will divide."
    "But with three, there is balance." (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01E08)
  • ♫: Fiona Apple – "Where the Shadows Lie" (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01E08)
  • </The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01>
  • "Now I work for DHL. I come up with tracking numbers." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
  • "Aww. What a joy they must have had on Ash Wednesday." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
  • "I'm going to my room to masturbate with a big, cold Rolex. You know where the exit is." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
  • "You know, when I took this job, I made a vow to destabilize any nation and to further American interests. So I'll be damned if a photo of me wearing a dress over jeans will threaten America from being a beacon of hope and change." (Los Espookys, S02E05)
  • "Besides, I'm not afraid because my computer is well-protected with Norton Anti-virus."
    "Listen to the virus! We can't expose our devices."
    "Well, I have a Mac, so I'm not worried." (Los Espookys, S02E05) (Los Espookys, S02E05)
  • "Don't worry. He'll be fine."
    "There are valves."
    "Yeah, Tati. There are valves." (Los Espookys, S02E05)


I thought the offensive Halloween costume of the year would be "monkeypox victim," but then Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story happened.

Offensive pumpkin of the year: knucklehead.

Everything you can imagine now has a seasonal pumpkin variant.

Pumpkin manifest destiny.

Who is buying all this pumpkin shit, though? It feels like supply exceedingly outstrips demand.

Imagine being poor in December and receiving a box full of just pumpkin-flavoured shit.

Pumpkin food pantries.

Adam Riff™ Clip of the Week

41. Obi-Wan Kenobi Audition (Welcome to Wrexham, S01E14)

Honourable Mention

  • Mexican Week (The Great British Bake Off, S13E04)
  • Werewolf Transformation (Werewolf by Night, 07 Oct 22)

Stray Observations

  • Shoot-out set to Taxi theme (Rick and Morty, S06E05)
  • "What the hell was that?"
    "Reuseable Sailor Moon sequence. If we ever need to show you becoming my assistant again, we can repeat it and save lots of money." (Rick and Morty, S06E05)
  • "Fuck! This both sucks and is really valuable data!" (Rick and Morty, S06E05)
  • "Fortune cookies are alien poop." (Rick and Morty, S06E05)
  • "Whoa! You control control water. Like, the water inside a guy. That's a gross power." (Rick and Morty, S06E05)
  • "You can't kill me, old man. I also have an unresolved fortune."
    "'The most successful businesswoman on Earth?' You could do anything you wanted and you chose…work?"
    "Every day I get closer to an unattainable goal. A one-woman lifestyle brand, forever!"
    "Well, I just used a dark web account to hack Goldman Sachs, remove trillions of dollars, and purchase everything your company offers. Congratulations! You're officially the most successful businesswoman on Earth. Fortune fulfilled. And now, I'm emptying your bank accounts and giving the money back to Goldman Sachs, because I sit dead-center on the alignment chart."
    "You son of a bitch!"
    "How does it feel to achieve your dreams? Empty, right? Like when DiCaprio won the Oscar. You could see it in his face." (Rick and Morty, S06E05)

(Rick and Morty, S06E05)

  • "We should get you some clothes, son."
    [reuseable Sailor Moon sequence]
    "I can just feel the savings." (Rick and Morty, S06E05)
  • </Best in Dough, S01>
  • "The pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it. And that is the real trick of the Imperial thought machine. It's easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than a single incident." (Andor, S01E05)
  • "Surprise from above is never as shocking as one from below." (Andor, S01E05)
  • "Everyone has their own rebellion." (Andor, S01E05)
  • "Did you read that article the other day about how matcha – actually more efficient at awakening the nervous system than coffee?"
    "Oh, yeah? Was that in Who Gives a Crap Weekly?"
    "It was in The New Yorker."
    "Oh, so Who Gives a Crap Bi-weekly." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "Janine, Gregory, y'all pulling up?"
    "I'll walk over." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "May we have a suggestion for a character?"
    "Meek Mill!"
    "What if Meek Mill…was a meerkat?"
    "I'm just a meerkat, strolling through Western Philly."
    "But it's not a story unless there's some…conflict! What's Meerkat Meek Mills' conflict?"
    "His ATV broke down in the wrong hood!"
    "Wrong hood, Meerkat! Wrong hood!" (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "If my Degrassi re-enactment group showed up and performed here, I'd be excited, too." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "Hey, and if you guys thought the Malcolm X Games was cool, just wait 'til you see Rosa Parks and Rec." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "I'm c-corny?"
    "Jacob, you are…corny sometimes…yes."
    "Wha… Wait. Uh… No. I have Kendrick Lamar on vinyl. Okay? Is that corny?" (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "Look, you are a white teacher in a Black school."
    "I am not Hilary Swank in Freedom Writers."
    "You are Hilary Swank in Freedom Writers. You are Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds. You are Sandra Bullock in…"
    "In Bird Box?"
    "In The Blind Side. [gasps]"
    "Too far."
    "Too far, I know." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "By the way, would a 'corny' person stage a one-man show called The Color Urkel?" (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "That was so corny, I gained 2,000 new followers during the stream, including Josh Gad, whoever that is."
    "When you guys Voltron'd yourselves into a Black Shaun King, I…I died. I did."
    "And the singing."
    "And those outfits."
    "Your curly-ass hair."
    "That's…that's just my hair." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "♪ Waiting for Ashley / Ohh-ohh-ohh ♪ […] Oh, wait. The boombox wasn't on, so the song probably didn't make sense!" (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "Not in the mood to be improv'd at." (Abbott Elementary, S02E03)
  • "I love you, Jake."
    "I love you more, Devon."
    "That’s not possible." (Chucky, S02E01)
  • "Uber’s really made being a killer doll so much easier." (Chucky, S02E01)
  • "Goodbye, tragedy." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E08)
  • "Goons and henchmen are two completely different animals. Henchmen believe in the cause, goons are just there for the paycheck." (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E08)

(She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E08)

  • "This is the big twist, isn't it? But the question is, is it the kind of twist that's like, 'There's another Hulk, but this one's red,' or like, 'I'm getting fridged'?" (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S01E07)
  • "Oh, oh, I'm sorry, she-she doesn't act."
    "Everyone acts, Miss Vanessa." (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • "Honestly, we need to stick together. Mr. Chocolate likes your daughter, probably writing a kids show for her right now. Maybe my daughter could be the best friend who's good at computers."
    "Nah. She's, uh, just acting for today. Honestly, she's not even really that into acting."
    "I don't know. She seems pretty happy."
    "Yeah, no. She's…she's not ready. But your daughter should have the show."
    "Oh, I know. She's not the right 'type.' Like I said, we really need to stick together." (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • "This crack sandwich good as hell." (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • ♫: Little Simz – "Point and Kill [feat. Obongjayar]" (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • "Would you like a grit?" (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • "Grits don't work on me. I've developed a tolerance over the years." (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • "You're a con man. You just make unrelatable shit that takes advantage of the people you say you're trying to help."
    "'Unrelatable shit,' you say. You know, I've been watching you, Ms. Keifer. You're a single mother who can't afford to feed your daughter. Phaedra is your 'hip girlfriend.' You have a 'formally incarcerated, light-skinned love interest,' a 'Christian, gun-toting grandmother,' and let me guess, you have a dark-skinned baby daddy?"
    "He's brown-skinned."
    "And you threw grits at me. Unprovoked. Face it, Vanessa, you're a Kirkwood Chocolate woman." (Atlanta, S04E05)
  • "I-I ever tell you guys about the time I pooped myself at an Equinox? It was in Zumba during 'Despacito.'" (Little Demon, S01E08)
  • "And now you're putting down your Jewish heritage? So cool of you."
    "What heritage? You said Elijah was a waste of good wine."
    "I stand by that." (Little Demon, S01E08)
  • "So this is how it ends, with a bang, not a whimper."
    "Huh, T.S. Eliot was wrong."
    "Well, at least he was good in Road House." (Little Demon, S01E08)
  • Horse on fire (The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, S01E07)
  • Flaming tuba (Werewolf by Night, 07 Oct 22)
  • "Andrecito, I've already done so many favors for you. Just the other day you asked me for something."
    "No, Moon, that favor wasn't for me. I simply asked you to go crescent so that my friend Dreamworks could have a place to sit and fish." (Los Espookys, S02E04)